Digital Library

With a pandemic that completely changed global society, 2020 was the scene of profound transformations. So much so that everything that happened in the physical sphere moved to the digital world: work tasks, ways of relating between people, and even cultural consumption. 

This is how during this year a wave of loans was reported in digital libraries. According to the data provided by Overdrive, one of the leading platforms in electronic book loans worldwide, the libraries that added their automated service recorded 430 million loans of books, audiobooks, and digital magazines throughout 2020. 

These numbers do nothing more than affirm that both readers and institutions of all kinds are interested in automated content lending systems. For this reason, publishers must pay special attention to providing this service and joining institutional sales

Institutions of all types such as educational institutions, governments, and companies, among others, are increasingly seeking to add a programmed library.

What are the Institutional Sales of Digital Libraries?

Publishers and content generators in general are used to working from individual sales. This means that they directly contact end readers to purchase content of their authorship or to which they have the rights. 

But with a 33% increase in loans in libraries compared to 2019, opening up the universe of institutional sales can mean a great opportunity. Business-to-business sales (B2B or institutional) can be summarized as contacting an organization to offer content to everyone who is part of it. 

Do You Know?
In 2022, the number of digital books borrowed from libraries and schools hit 522 million.

It is usually taken as a great benefit by the employees of a company and a great plus in the case of students at a University. Through this type of sales, those who are part of said institutions will be able to enjoy all types of collections, such as books, audiobooks, and magazines, without limit. 

It is a pleasant gesture for them, but also very positive for the institution itself, since a positive bond can be generated with its employees, students, or citizens, who will give back in different ways. As you can see, there are many business possibilities within the institutional sales that a creator can make.

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Interesting Facts:
There are 207 million content creators in the world. The breakdown of 200 million creators is as follows:
23 million have less than 1,000 followers.

139 million have between 1,000 and 10K followers.

41 million have between 10K and 100K followers.

2 million have between 100K and 1M followers.

2 million have more than 1M followers.

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From books and articles to speeches and memoirs, our services cover a wide spectrum of content needs. Embrace the magic of ghostwriting, and let your voice shine through professionally penned prose.

What Content Can They Offer for Institutions’ Digital Libraries?

Publishers can offer their content end-masse to other institutions from a programmed store. For this, can be the ideal option since it allows different types of business models to be generated from the same platform. Learn about some institutions that can offer an automated library:

Educational institutions

Digital libraries can be generated with specific topics according to the university degree or area of ​​study, as well as providing multidisciplinary content. Betting on digital reading in the university world can bring great benefits such as reaching a greater number of students, teachers, and researchers. 

In this way, you can have a more inclusive education. An interesting issue to take into account is the possibility of generating integrations with the Virtual Campus of the educational institution. 

In this way, every time a student or teacher enters the virtual campus, they will be able to access all the contents of the digital library with their account. This means you will not have to register or log in again to access school or university publications.

Professional associations

Automated libraries may contain profession-specific content. The specialized collections include topics such as architecture, law, and education, among many others. If a publisher produces multidisciplinary content, it has the possibility of providing specialized content for each institutional client.


A different but very valuable opportunity is to offer ministries or other agencies the option of having their library. Exhaustive work must be carried out to find out which area could be the most interesting in an educational platform with audiobooks, magazines, and automated books. 

.Always attack the chosen ministry first but try to develop the proposal through other areas, you never know which one will bite and have an interest. 

Through a B2G or Business-to-government sale, a publisher will be able to optimize the negotiation with a government. This generates a benefit not only for the workers of a ministry or agency but also for the citizens of said place.


For company employees, having a digital library is a great benefit. Therefore, it is primary to choose autobiography writing service that interests them and helps them progress in their work: marketing, sales, business management, finance, coaching, and technology are just some of the collections that can be offered. 

Keep in mind that every person who is part of a company must be motivated and incentivized. Corporate libraries can also serve as a benefit for the families of the employees who comprise it, as well as for its clients. That’s right, any client will believe that receiving interesting digital content is, without a doubt, a nice gesture.


Institutional sales are a different way to reach a new audience through a different business model. It is necessary to know our target audience, but also know how to take advantage of the advantages of our platform. Only then can you take advantage of it and increase your income.
